Host your own event
Get together with friends, family or colleagues and host an event to raise money to help prevent stroke, save lives and enhance recovery.
Below are a few ideas
Create a Fundraise4Stroke page
Create your own dedicated page, which you can customise, and set a fundraising target.
Share and Invite
Let your family, friends and collagues know about your event and ask them to support your fundraising efforts.
Shannon was 45 years old when she had her stroke.
Shannon held a High Cheese at her home with her family to raise funds and awareness for the Stroke Foundation. Shannon and her family raised $819.
When my hubby Stephen suffered his stroke, it was unexpected because he was fit and healthy with no risk factors of stroke.
No one recognised that Stephen was having a stroke, but we were lucky that our neighbour knew the signs.
Our experience has helped us understand how important it is for every Australian family to have a member who can recognise F.A.S.T. (Face, Speech, Arms, Time).
That’s why we run an annual ‘Taco Night’ to raise money and awareness of stroke and the signs. It is a community event, with family, friends, and colleagues all playing a part. In 2021, 150 people attended with 50 of those guests volunteering their time to make the night a success.
Stroke Foundation provided us the important resources and support we needed after Stephen’s stroke and the research they help fund is responsible for the lifesaving medication which saved his life.
Every guest now knows the F.A.S.T. signs and understands what to do in the event of a stroke. This is something which we’re immensely proud of. The night raised $7,517.83 for stroke support and research.
We want to thank everyone for their ongoing support, with a special thanks to Stephen who doesn’t let anything stop him, stroke or a bike accident. I am so proud of you.
Need support with your fundraising idea?
We are here to provide you with support, fundraising tips and helpful resources.
We will be in touch once you set up your fundraising page or you can give us a call on 1300 194 196 or email